Discounted ESSIE 101.

I doubt I'm the first one who discovered Essie fingernail polish through Pinterest. But finger nail polish for 8 bucks is crazy. I have spent hours looking online for discounted Essie polish, and although I have found some, most the sites creep me out, or sites like Ebay and Amazon the shipping is what does it. 8 dollars a bottle is just to much for someone with a budget. So is 7 dollars and even 6! HOWEVER, I decided I would buy just one polish at target, costing 7.50, to see if i even liked it before i tried any online websites.
While in a target checkout line something came up and i had to leave before i could pay, so i put down my Essie polish. Sad right? Well a little bit later I ended up In ROSS, I never expected to find any there, but still i looked. And to my surprise I instantly found a box of 3 Essie polishes for just $8.99. That is just $2.99666666( several more 6's and a 7 ) each! I found a bunch more of the same colors, but I wasn't interested in buying them out for myself.
But I was super stoked! And im not going to lie, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Essie polish. I have never had a polish go on so smooth. My husband said, " It looks fake " because of how smooth and shiny it looked. Regardless how much I love Essie polish, I will NEVER pay $8 a bottle. But who needs to when you have a Ross? 
I went and hunted down a Second Ross the next day and I had just as much luck. I found a few of the same colors I just got, but I also found a new 3 pack for the same price. I was ecstatic!

To make it even better that second day I was in TJ max (( it happens to be next door to Ross here )) and I found a few single polishes for $3.99 each. I didn't like the colors they had, so i didn't get them. But I did find some O.P.I polish. A set of 4, for just $7.99. So awesome. After we finished our shopping we went to check out. While standing in line I was looking at all the stuff for sale by the registers and There it was.... A HUGE supply of ESSIE polish priced at $3.99 each. I'm so happy to have scored such great deals.

 And now YOU can go score those great deals too. They may not always have them in stock, but don't give up. Go look before you spent $8 somewhere else. :)

Good luck!
(PS. Both the "BROWN" Looking colors, are actually not brown. They are an antique rose and an off pink ))


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